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Benefits of personal training


  • Professional guidance on the best ways to get results

  • Be pushed right up to your limits (virtually impossible on your own)!

  • Understanding where you’re currently at and where you want to be

  • Support with pinpointing goals and reaching them

  • You training is no longer an added stress. (Just turn up and we’ll do the rest.)


When it comes to your training, it is vital that the best methods are used if you’re to achieve your health and fitness goals (including meet any particular challenges you have in the diary!) efficiently, safely and enjoyably. By planning and structuring your exercise routines, we can help to ensure you keep progressing all the time. We won’t do the same thing every session, nor will we continue to use exercise routines that simply don’t work for you; you’re an individual – with a unique personality and an original set of strengths and weaknesses – and we’ll always take that into account when programming workouts for all our clients. We believe that every person can be; fitter, faster, stronger; can enhance mobility and flexibility; can build endurance and skill. .

Call Us Today 07939 99 24 22 To Start YOUR Personal Training

Price £75/hr

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